
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wow! It really HAS been a while since I posted last...

So much has happened... 

The Real Estate Photography is rapidly increasing (yay!) ....
and I have become a Doula :-) My company name is 'Maternal Moments'.  There appears to be quite a market for Doulas here.  There is only one other Doula in Cairns but she will only attend homebirths whereas I am willing to support & attend any kind of birth choice including miscarriage or abortion because EVERY woman deserves support!

Vicki has a boyfriend.. Billy is nearly 17 *gulp* but is a very lovely boy.  Nice manners, well dressed & spoken and treats her wonderfully.  Even asked to meet us :-)  She's made a wonderful choice.  Hope it works out for her.

Blair was off his medicine for a few days and yep.. they DEF DO work! :-)   He's doing so well with recognising that he needs them now. 

Bubba is doing well.. has a pretty major temper on him but with parents like us.. who can blame him? ;-D

Gotta love you and leave you... upload of Official Photographer - Grand Weddings facebook page has finished better go deal with that then off to bed where I will most likely lay awake trying to draft what to say on the Maternal Moments facebook page!  This is actually not easy!


PS  Can you believe it's been a WHOLE YEAR today that we moved to Cairns!  It's FLOWN by!  And I'm still loving it! :-)

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