
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

well ok.. might NOT be going home now...

It's all up in the air.. Mike has weddings booked until late September so we will stay here for now and re-evaluate things then.

Mike's working hard out on the Gym and doing well on his diet so he can lose weight and look fab for his trip home in October (if not our move back to NZ) and to help improve his mood - look good, feel good so they say. Maybe I should get my a into g too :-D

Will be applying for a fulltime job soon - and if I don't get that one I'll apply for others.. it'd really help the wallet (well.... other peoples wallets!)... if we move back to NZ we'll be needing money and if we don't then we'll still be needing money ;-p  Mike will quit Camera House so he can concentrate fulltime on the photography, Jamie will go into daycare and then in Feb (again.. if we're still here) I'll hopefully be able to start my midwifery course!    We had THE most wonderful experience with our midwife with Jamie and I want to do the same for other women!  Options for pregnancy & birthing care suck here and I want be a part of changing that.

Ended up at the 24 hr clinic and then the ED (A&E for those back home)  because the extra fluid in my wrist was compressing the ulnar nerve making the pain unbearable :-(  Of course they couldn't DO anything other than give me panadol, ibuprofen and codeine lol they also had to give me losec so I don't get gastritis again being on ibuprofen daily..   a drug for one thing and a drug for the side effect! PMSL.  When I got upset because of that (reasonably so I thought!) all they could do further was offer me sleeping pills (I said no thanks), valium (again.. no thanks) & the ph # for the hospital psychologist to learn how to deal/live with the pain.  To see the specialist next week.. was meant to see him a week ago but the bastard was away (he's only here once every fortnight) and NO ONE called to tell me!  We were ultra pissed off because I'd been crook the night before so was sitting in the hospital waiting room still feeling decidedly seedy only to find out we COULD have stayed at home resting!!!  Could have the surgery privately but it'd cost about $3000 by the time I pay for the surgeon, anaethetist, nurse, operating room, hospital bed, pain meds, cast (yep!  If you go private you have to pay for the cast lol) & all the other stuff they need/can think up so it's out of the question :-(  Just have to wait up to another 9 months on the waiting list... and that's the URGENT but not emergency list!!!!  hmmm yay.  9 more months of numerous pills every four - 6 hours...every day.  yeah...  can you tell it's REALLY helping my depression!?!?!?

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