
Monday, August 30, 2010

yes, I know it's been a while.. but SO much has been happening!

We've moved house (again) now in a brand spanking new townhouse in a great area.  Kids changed schools when we moved and they LOVE their new school... as do I :-)

The bubba is growing so fast!  physically and mentally.. says quite a few words now.  intelligible to us and some to others :-D

Mikes photography is going well.  My work is wonderful although I will be starting in childcare centres soon and studying my level 3 in Childcare.

Have to go see Jim Turnour (one of our local MPs) to get his help getting me into the nursing/midwifery programme.... having issues getting a student loan because I'm not a permanent citizen.. and can't become a permanent citizen until I'm a qualified professional :-D  warped.

Mike & I are going skydiving in the enxt few weeks and going on a sunset cruise!  can't wait :-)

Hope you're all well..

My new motto:  What's made you smile today?

So..... What's made YOU smile today?

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