
Sunday, May 16, 2010

WOW! Soooooooooooo much happening!

Well... Maternal Moments is getting underway... 2 clients already!  admittedly they count toward my 3 free clients for my training but hey.. gotta start somewhere eh and word of mouth is THE best advertising :-)

I'm having issues trying to know what to wrote for the fb page & the website.. SO not good with words... I'll get there though!

Mike's RE photography is going in leaps & bounds.. it's difficult finding time for everything lately :-s

Kids are doing well...  Vicki is still going out with Billy (LOVELY boy!) although she's grounded at the moment and has had everything electronic taken out of her room and is on dishes & recycling for a week because she bunked school!  BRAT!

Went to an Autism Qld event at the Esplanade on Saturday.. Turns out there IS Asperger support up here.. it's just not well known BUT they are setting up a fortnightly youth club ...  Can't believe he's nearly 13!!!

Jamie now says 'dog' instead of 'gog'.. pity coz it was quite cute but it's best he says it properly.. lol  He's a definite farm boy at heart I think.. LOVES animals!!  He really truly NEEDS a dog I think..

We're going to move again... too much to look after here and if we continue to get so busy.. I need to be closer to the hospital too for clients.  Lookinh much closer to town.  A friend may have her house coming available in October and the place would be PERFECT!!  Has a built in trampoline, pool & treehouse!  3 powered worksheds out the back which we can use for 1)photography studio 2)craft room & 3) timeout room for the kids :-D

The wee boyt I look after 3 days a week at the moment won't be coming after next week anymore :-(  He'll be spending a lot more time with his Mummy so it's good for them.. not so good for us or our wallet ;-p  BUT.. my boss @ Gecko's approached me today and I'll be looking after her wee boy for 10 weeks while her parents (who normally mind him) are in Europe :-)  Just two days a week but the pay is good and gives us an extra bit of time to get things up & rolling along even more!..

It's all working out well..

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wow! It really HAS been a while since I posted last...

So much has happened... 

The Real Estate Photography is rapidly increasing (yay!) ....
and I have become a Doula :-) My company name is 'Maternal Moments'.  There appears to be quite a market for Doulas here.  There is only one other Doula in Cairns but she will only attend homebirths whereas I am willing to support & attend any kind of birth choice including miscarriage or abortion because EVERY woman deserves support!

Vicki has a boyfriend.. Billy is nearly 17 *gulp* but is a very lovely boy.  Nice manners, well dressed & spoken and treats her wonderfully.  Even asked to meet us :-)  She's made a wonderful choice.  Hope it works out for her.

Blair was off his medicine for a few days and yep.. they DEF DO work! :-)   He's doing so well with recognising that he needs them now. 

Bubba is doing well.. has a pretty major temper on him but with parents like us.. who can blame him? ;-D

Gotta love you and leave you... upload of Official Photographer - Grand Weddings facebook page has finished better go deal with that then off to bed where I will most likely lay awake trying to draft what to say on the Maternal Moments facebook page!  This is actually not easy!


PS  Can you believe it's been a WHOLE YEAR today that we moved to Cairns!  It's FLOWN by!  And I'm still loving it! :-)